Salvatore Taddeo - Important Tips for  Moving or Replanting Fig Trees 

Salvatore Taddeo is an entrepreneur, and he is currently serving as the President of Sallee Figs. The business specializes in selling rare exotic fig trees for people to enjoy on their properties. However, fig trees take a good deal of maintenance, like any landscaping typically does. Here are some tips for moving or replanting trees on your property.

Salvatore Taddeo

When you’re replanting or moving a fig tree, you need to have the new location ready before you start. This is important because you don’t want the roots of the fig tree to be exposed more than they need to be during the process. Get the new spot ready by digging a large enough hole, and have the hose or water on so that you can moisten the soil as soon as the fig tree is planted in its new home.

In addition to having the new spot ready, you need to have the tree ready as well. Do some general maintenance on the tree so that it’s easier to move, and the excess or dead foliage doesn’t hinder the tree’s growth in the new spot later on. Pruning the fig tree is important, so make sure you trim the tree down to the healthy or new growth.

Be extra careful when digging the tree up. You want to keep the roots intact as much as possible, especially the root ball. If you’re digging up the tree and hit a major root, stop and start digging again much further out. The less damage you cause, the less stress felt by the tree.

Salvatore Taddeo will help his clients with maintenance. Find out more at or You can contact him at or at 732.741. (FIGS).3447

Here is a partial list of his fig tree collection and varieties:








Black Greek

Black Jack

Black Mission

Black Spanish

Brown Turkey


California Dark

Carolina Dark


Chicago Hardy

Chico Saratoga Strawberry

Col De Dame



Dannys Delight

Dark Portugese

Dark Red


Desert King



Double Header

Dr. Chet

Drap Diore


Egg Harbor


Encanto Brown Turkey

Encanto Red

English Brown Turkey

Falls Gold

Fico Santo



Gene Long Branch



Golden Celeste



Green Ishia


Hardy Black



Italian Honey

Italian Purple

Italian Purple Beefera

Italian Red

Jack Black


King Wood



Long Yellow

Longbranch Cedar Avenue 1

Longbranch Cedar Avenue 2

Longbranch Cedar Avenue 3

Lsu Purple



Malcolms Giant



Marseilles Vs


Michigan Dwarf

Mulberry Street

Mystery A

Mystery X


Neri 1

Neri 2



Oregon Honey



Panache Tiger

Pane Vino

Peters Honey


Popps Purp


Red Bank

Round Hill

Saint Anthony

Saint Jerome

San Javiar Baja Vern

San Pietro

Santa Margherita


Shih Berdy 3


Staten Island


Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Verte

Sweet George

Tennessee Mountain

Texas Blue Giant

Texas Everbearing



Vasilika Sica


Verte Petite

Very Dark Greek


Violette Dauphine



Wells Weep


White Gilette

White Oc

White Paradiso

Wild Pa



Yede Vern

Salvatore Taddeo - Tips for Helping Feed the Homeless in Your Community

Salvatore Taddeo is an entrepreneur and business leader who believes in using his success in order to help those around him in need. He is very passionate about helping to feed the homeless population in his community, and he volunteers his time regularly. Here are some useful and easy ways to get involved in your own community.

Salvatore Taddeo

First, you can always volunteer your time. Organizations dedicated to feeding the homeless always need manpower in order to reach their goals. This could mean helping serve people, cooking the food on some occasions, and even helping clean up before, during, and after meals. One of the most valuable things you can donate to an organization that feeds the homeless in your community is your time.

Second, donate extra food you have around the house. People waste more food than they realize, and instead of letting it go to waste, you can donate it to organizations that will provide it to those in desperate need of nourishment. Make sure you check the rules as to what you can donate and what you can’t, which can vary from organization to organization.

Third, you can always donate your money. It’s no secret that philanthropic and nonprofit organizations are in need of funding in order to do their work; donating your money can be just as valuable to them as donating your time or other resources. Although it may feel impersonal just to write a check, it can help immensely.

Salvatore Taddeo is dedicated to helping the homeless, and is volunteering with Bon Jovi’s Soul Kitchen so that he can serve food to those who need it.

Salvatore Taddeo -  How to Operate a  Successful Business in Any Field

Salvatore Taddeo is a dedicated entrepreneur who has experience working in a number of leadership roles for various companies and industries. He believes hard work is the key to success, no matter what field you operate in. Here are some tips for operating a successful business.

Salvatore Taddeo

When you begin operating your business, you need to have a plan or model that will help you grow in the future. Developing a business plan should be the first step in the beginning process, and it will help you obtain the investors you need to get your business off the ground. A plan shows that you not only understand the amount of work that it will take to run your business, but also that you’re willing to do it in the first place.

Focus on the customer. In order to have a successful business, you need to focus on the customer over everything else. Learn all you can about the market you operate in so that you can anticipate the needs of your clients. All successful business owners stay up to date on what the needs of their customers are, which can change rapidly and often. Make sure you stay innovative to stay ahead of your competition.

Make sure you hire the right people for the right jobs. Start the hiring process early so that you can take the necessary time to find the right employees for your business. Find people who are just as enthusiastic about the work as you are, and who can genuinely work well with others.

Salvatore Taddeo understands what it takes to operate a successful business competitively.

Salvatore Taddeo - Useful Tips for Real Estate Agents Looking to Secure New Clients

Salvatore Taddeo is an individual who believes in the work he does for his community, and how his career can have a positive impact on the lives of those around him. He is an entrepreneur by nature, and is always looking for the next lucrative business opportunity he can take advantage of. He is currently serving as the president and chief executive officer for a number of businesses, but some of his most successful work is that in the area of real estate. He enjoys being a real estate in New Jersey, but in order to be successful, he has to constantly secure new clients in order to continue a steady growth. 

Salvatore Taddeo

Salvatore Taddeo and other real estate agents know that in order to be successful in the field, whether you own your own business or not, you need to find clients on a regular basis. The only way to be successful in the real estate industry is by making yourself attractive to potential home buyers, renters, or anyone else in need of property. Here are some useful tips for real estate agents looking to attract and secure new clients. 

Figure out your target market. Before a real estate agent can find his or her clients, they have to first figure out what clients their business and talents will appeal to the most. There are a number of options within the real estate industry, and many professionals choose to focus on just one or two. For example, someone looking for residential properties won’t be working with a real estate agent who specializes in commercial properties. 

In addition to figuring out your target market and clientele, you need to market your services. Marketing is essential to your success as a real estate agent because you need to get your name out there to people looking for real estate services. The more you can market yourself and your services positively, the more success you’ll have attracting clients. However, make sure you set a budget so that you don’t spend too much money in the process. 

Always take advantage of the Internet. The Internet is a great way to get your name out in the open, and it can be a cheap way to compliment the professional marketing you’ve already done. Social media websites and other platforms will allow you expand your reach to a large audience with a simple click of a button. There are more people on social media today than not, and if you want to get your name out there, the Internet is the best way. 

Salvatore Taddeo is a successful real estate agent who has experience in a number of facets of the real estate industry. He knows what it takes to secure new clients, and he utilizes all of the tools made available to him in the field.

Salvatore Taddeo - Duties Of A Project Manager

Salvatore Taddeo has held many positions and stays busy. He has worked as a project manager for many years and enjoyed his career. If you are considering taking a position as a project manager, make sure you understand the duties you will have as one.

Salvatore Taddeo


A project manager must have good planning skills and will be assigned specific assignments that he or she must plan for accordingly. A project manager must be able to prioritize assignments and inform others of the plans after they have been decided.

Set Goals

A project manager must set goals for a company or for one project at a time. The project manager must also be able to explain the goals to others in the company and help everyone work together to obtains those goals.

Hold Meetings

Once the project manager has a plan for the company or project, he must hold meetings to discuss his plans with others. Meetings are often held on a regular basis to update everyone on the progress of a project. The project manager may also have meetings with the CEO of the company to inform him or her of the plan and progress.

Salvatore Taddeo enjoyed being a project manager. If you are interested in a similar career, make sure you understand what you will have to do in your role as a project manager and make sure you are up for the challenges that role may bring.

Salvatore Taddeo - How To Help Feed The Homeless

There are thousands of homeless people in the United States and many of them go hungry. Salvatore Taddeo works hard to help feed the homeless in New Jersey and volunteers with many charities and organizations. If you are looking for a way to help feed the homeless in your area, these tips can help.

Salvatore Taddeo

Volunteer Time

There are many soup kitchens that need help serving meals to the homeless. There are also many organizations that need help sorting wrapped or packaged food that can be handed out to the homeless. Even a few hours can make a big difference and help a lot of people.

Donate Food

If you have food in your pantry that you no longer want, consider donating it to a food pantry in your area or another organization. You can also get a list of foods that are needed or have been requested and go out and buy them for the organization of your choice.

Donate Money

If you do not know what kind of food is needed to help feed the homeless but want to donate something, consider donating money to a charity or organization that will buy food to provide to the homeless. You can also donate gift cards to grocery stores.

Salvatore Taddeo is passionate about helping others and has a soft spot for the homeless. He is excited about volunteering with Bon Jovi’s Soul Kitchen and being able to serve food to those in need. If you want to help feed the homeless, the above tips can help.

Salvatore Taddeo - How To Get New Clients As A Real Estate Agent

Salvatore Taddeo enjoys being a real estate agent in New Jersey. He often has to find new clients so he can stay in business and be successful. If you are a real estate agent and want to be able to buy and sell homes and property, you need to be able to attract new clients. These tips can help.

Salvatore Taddeo

Find Your Target Market

Before you can find clients you need to decide which kind of clients you want to market your real estate too. Do you plan on selling residential real estate or will you be selling commercial real estate? Knowing what kind of real estate you want to sell will help you determine who your clients are or will be and make it easier to market your real estate.

Set A Marketing Budget

Once you start marketing your real estate company or services you can lose track of how much money you spend on your advertisements. It is best to set a budget for various aspects of your marketing plans. You may want to set a budget for ads in the newspaper, one for business cards and another for banners and other types of advertisements. This will allow you to advertise successfully without spending too much money.

Talk To People

Real estate agents have to talk to people on a daily basis. You can use your social skills to attract new clients and customers. You never know when you might meet someone who is hoping to buy or sell a home in the near future. Don’t be afraid to bring up your career and talk to people about your past real estate transactions.

Use The Internet

The Internet is a great way to reach a lot of people at one time and make people aware of your real estate services. You can create ads, social networking pages or just talk to people online to share information about your past real estate transactions, meet new clients and even answer questions people might have about buying or selling real estate.

Be Available

You never know when someone will walk into your office and be ready to buy or sell a home. You need to be available to those people and to new opportunities. You may also want to help other real estate agents with open houses so you can meet people who are looking to buy homes and offer them your contact information

A successful real estate agent has to not only know how to find or sell real estate, he or she must also know how to attract new clients. The real estate field can be very competitive, and the more clients you attract, the more successful you can become. Salvatore Taddeo can be contacted at 732.741.FIGS (3447).

Salvatore Taddeo - Tips For Pruning A Fig Tree

Salvatore Taddeo owns a rare fig tree business called Sallee Figs.  He raises and sells some of the most beautiful and healthiest fig trees in the country and works hard to make sure his clients are happy with the quality of trees they purchase. One of the ways he cares for his trees and keeps them healthy is by pruning them regularly. Pruning the trees allows them to grow bigger and makes them look better. If you are raising fig trees and want to prune them correctly, these tips can help.

Salvatore Taddeo

Sterilize Your Tools

You will need a good pair of pruning shears in order to keep your trees pruned. Before you use the tools you should sanitize them. Trees can carry diseases and if you do not sanitize your tools before you use them you could be passing those diseases on to other trees. You can sanitize your tools with rubbing alcohol.

Prune At The Right Time

You need to prune your trees in early spring as new growth begins. You should trim the leaves and branches back to the nearest healthy part. Make sure you remove any dead or damaged leaves and branches. This will help the tree grow healthier branches and make it look better.

Keep Your Tree Open

You want the sun to be able to reach the trunk of your tree to help it grow. You can ensure the sun reaches the trunk my pruning any crossing branches. You do not need or want to remove all of these branches, just enough to allow the sun to penetrate the growth.

Watch For Suckers

You want to watch for suckers on fig trees. Suckers are limbs or branches that grow from the roots of the tree. If you notice them growing you should cut them. This will help ensure that the tree grows up instead of out and that you do not have a misshapen tree.

Do Not Over Prune

You do not want to prune the tree too much or too often. This could damage and even kill them. It could also prevent the trees from growing properly. Make sure you only prune your fig tree when it needs it and only prune the parts that need it.

Find A Professional

You do not want to risk damaging your fig tree. If you do not feel comfortable pruning the tree yourself, you may want to hire a professional to do it for you This will ensure the tree grows properly, stays healthy and will not be damaged in the process.

Raising fig trees can be a fun and rewarding experience. Figs are very nutritious and the trees themselves can add a lot of beauty to your yard. If you want to raise fig trees that are healthy and hardy, make sure you prune them regularly like Salvatore Taddeo.  Salvatore Taddeo can be contacted at

Sallee Figs – Fig Tree Varieties, 2016
Black Greek
Black Jack
Black Mission
Black Spanish
Brown Turkey
California Dark
Carolina Dark
Chicago Hardy
Chico Saratoga Strawberry
Col De Dame
Dannys Delight
Dark Portugese
Dark Red
Desert King
Double Header
Dr. Chet
Drap Diore
Egg Harbor
Encanto  Brown Turkey
Encanto Red
English Brown Turkey
Falls Gold
Fico Santo
Gene Long Branch
Golden Celeste
Green Ishia
Hardy Black
Italian Honey
Italian Purple
Italian Purple Beefera
Italian Red
Jack Black
King Wood
Long Yellow
Longbranch Cedar Avenue 1
Longbranch Cedar Avenue 2
Longbranch Cedar Avenue 3
Lsu Purple
Malcolms Giant
Marseilles Vs
Michigan Dwarf
Mulberry Street
Mystery A
Mystery X
Neri 1
Neri 2
Oregon Honey
Panache Tiger
Pane Vino
Peters Honey
Popps Purple
Red Bank
Round Hill
Saint Anthony
Saint Jerome
San Javiar Baja Vern
San Pietro
Santa Margherita
Shih Berdy 3
Staten Island
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Verte
Sweet George
Tennessee Mountain
Texas Blue Giant
Texas Everbearing
Vasilika Sica
Verte Petite
Very Dark Greek
Violette Dauphine
Wells Weep
White Gilette
White Oc
White Paradiso
Wild Pa
Yede Vern

Salvatore Taddeo - Six Reasons Why Investors and Entrepreneurs Fail

Investors and entrepreneurs are risk takers and they both contribute to the economy of a nation. Salvatore Taddeo is a determined and tireless Entrepreneur and a Consultant. He is aware of the many reasons why investors and entrepreneurs fail and he would like to share some of those reasons.

Salvatore Taddeo

Reasons why entrepreneurs fail include:

1. Lack of adequate planning

Without adequate planning, it will be difficult to achieve success in any venture. Many investors and entrepreneurs fail because they do not have a good investment and financial plan to guide them.

2. Lack of discipline and positive attitude

Entrepreneurs fail because they lack the discipline to stay focused and see things through. Many give up along the way and they lose their calm in difficult situations leading to poor choices.

3. Lack of diversification of investment

It is necessary to diversify investment in order to reduce risks. Many investors and entrepreneurs fail because they do not diversify their investments.

4. Lack of proper monitoring of investments

Many entrepreneurs and investors do not monitor their investments regularly to notice when there is a decline. An investor that notices a decline in his investment early can easily cut his loss and move on.

5. Inadequate knowledge

Many entrepreneurs and investors fail often because they do not make well informed decisions.

6. Lack of courage

Many entrepreneurs lack to courage to take risks necessary for the survival and growth of their investment.

Salvatore Taddeo is a well informed and perceptive Entrepreneur and Merchant Processing Consultant. He is the President and CEO of Salangi Enterprises LLC and Sallee Figs, respectively. He is also a licensed New Jersey real estate agent. He enjoys cooking and volunteering.

Salvatore Taddeo - Five Reasons Why You Need to Read More

Salvatore Taddeo is a well-informed Entrepreneur and Merchant Processing Consultant. He is aware of the advantages of reading regularly. He knows that the knowledge depicted in books can help you to develop to your full potential and achieve your dreams.

Salvatore Taddeo

Here are five reasons why you should read more:

You will become smarter

Reading regularly will make you become smarter. It will also help you to make informed decisions and handle situations better.

It will improve your communication skills

Reading regularly will help improve your vocabulary and also improve your communication skills. You will also become familiar with words and you will be able to express your ideas and feelings easily.

It will help you relax

Reading is a good way to relax your muscles and combat depression and anxiety. It can also help you to sleep.

It can motivate you to succeed

Biographies and other stories written in books can motivate you to succeed and also help you to face and conquer challenges in life.

You will become a better person

Reading regularly will influence your attitude and orientation towards life. It will help you to see the world around you from a wider point of view.

Salvatore is a dedicated family man and a strong entrepreneur. He is an ardent reader especially history and he also enjoys volunteering his time to help people in need. As head of Sallee Figs, he can reached anytime at

 Salvatore Taddeo - Three Simple Ways to Manage Your Time Effectively

It is often said that “time is money”. How you use your time and what you use your time for often can determine how successful you would be. Salvatore Taddeo is an entrepreneur and a real estate agent. He knows that great heights cannot be attained without discipline, and time management is a fundamental part of discipline. Great leaders and successful individuals are people who have mastered the art of effective time management. Therefore, in order to succeed and live a more balanced and happy life, you need to manage your time effectively.

Salvatore Taddeo

Here are few tips to help you manage your time effectively:

Plan your day ahead

This is a simple but effective technique to guide you and also ensure that you get more done daily. Schedule your tasks either at night before you go to bed or early in the morning. Also, it is recommended that you prioritize your tasks and attend to the important ones first.

 Work smart

Working smart is different from working hard. Try to group related tasks together; this will save you time and energy. Also, find a more effective way to do your tasks and get things done faster.

Take regular breaks

Do not force yourself to do everything at once, take regular breaks between tasks to refresh your mind. This will help you to reduce mental fatigue and increase your effectiveness and efficiency.

Learn to discipline yourself and also curb your addictions and other unproductive activities.

Salvatore Taddeo was born Brooklyn, New York. He attended Bishop Ford High School and the Institute of Design and Construction. He is a consultant and a real estate agent. He can be reached via email at and, respectively.

Salvatore Taddeo - Top Eight Qualities of Great Leaders

The leadership of any organization irrespective of its size, sector or location is crucial to the success of that organization. Salvatore Taddeo is the President of Salangi Enterprises LLC, and is the leader of various other successful business ventures. He knows that great leaders irrespective of their gender, age or race have certain qualities that helped them to achieve great things.

Here are the top eight qualities that are common to great leaders:

Salvatore Taddeo

1. Vision

Every great leader is driven by vision and passion to succeed. Without vision, it will be difficult for any organization to survive and thrive.

2. Integrity

Integrity is a key leadership quality that in an organization. Great leaders are honest and they treat everyone fairly.

3. Positive attitude

Leaders who achieve great things are individuals who never stop believing in their dreams irrespective of the circumstances around them. Great leaders are always positive.

4. Courage

Great leaders are not afraid to take calculated risks that are necessary to move their organization forward.

5. Good communication skills

Great leaders know how to communicate their vision and goals effectively to their subordinates. They are good listeners and open minded individuals.

6. Ability to delegate tasks

Great leaders have the ability to delegate tasks appropriately in order to achieve the best result.

7. Willingness to take responsibility

Great leaders do not shy away from responsibilities. They lead by example and they take full responsibility for their actions.

8. Ability to give feedbacks

Great leaders know how to give feedback to their employees when necessary.

Salvatore Taddeo is the President of Salangi Enterprises LLC and Sallee Figs, respectively. He is a savvy entrepreneur and a dedicated family man. He resides in New Jersey. For more information on Salangi Enterprises, visit,. To discover more about Sallee Figs, go to

Small Businesses 

There are few mega corporation companies that can provide the same level of excellence and personalization as your local small businesses. Local small businesses are slowly becoming less and less common. Often times to afford staying open, they must charge more for their products and labor. However, several small businesses provide higher quality items and products that were made in the USA. It is not uncommon for large businesses to place their main factories in other countries for cheaper materials and labor. Not only does this takeaway jobs from the USA, it often times lowers the quality of the product due to the cheaper materials. Also, in some cases, workers in factories in other countries are treated inhumanely, forced to work long hours for very little pay. Many countries still do not have enforced labor laws, and some large corporations are quick to take advantage of the ridiculously cheap labor.

Salvatore Taddeo

Supporting small local businesses can help to not only increase high-quality products but also provides good jobs for American citizens. These small businesses are often very invested in their customers as well and will take the time to get to know the people who pay for their services. It is important to keep the world of small businesses alive as they will always challenge the larger companies to have better service and products for their customers. Salvatore Taddeo is a businessman who owns two local businesses of his own.

Healthy Eating 

The busier your schedule, the more increasingly difficult it seems to eat healthily. Often times, it seems that several people use their busy schedules as an excuse to eat unhealthy. The mentality behind this is when things ease up a bit, they will have plenty of time to invest money and energy into finding the healthy options. However, rarely do people switch to eating healthy after creating bad eating habits. Therefore, it is important to continue eating healthy even in the busiest of times.

Salvatore Taddeo

Depending on what you are making in each paycheck, you may decide it isn't worth spending the extra few bucks every meal for a healthier option. However, it is. Saving a few dollars is not worth the unhealthy eating patterns that come with it. Studies have shown that poor diets contribute to low energy and foggy thinking. For a clear mind and more energy, it is important to eat foods that will make you feel good in the long run.

When choosing places to eat, it is a good idea to do some research ahead of time and find the healthy options near your area of work. This will ensure that you have regular places you can go to get good healthy options. Another option is to get prepackaged healthy food from the store. The key is to find foods without preservatives and without processing. There are several stores, although a little pricier, that are careful to stock items without the preservatives, and you can find several new healthy foods by shopping at these types of stores. Salvatore Taddeo the owner of Sallee Figs and understand the importance of healthy eating.


Often times even if people want to help out others in some way, they feel as if they do not have an opportunity to do so. Many times people believe the only way to change the world is to do a big and dramatic act that affects several people’s lives. However, this is misleading as often times the world is changed for the better one small act at a time. If you are looking to make a difference in the world, there is no better place to start than in your local community.

Salvatore Taddeo

If you do not feel like you have extra time to volunteer somewhere there are other ways you can give to the community. Donating money to trusted charities is a great way to help out. Additionally, several non-profits, charities, and churches hold food or clothe drives to help those in need. By simply picking up an extra can of food at the grocery store or donating clothes you no longer wear, you can give back in lots of ways.

If you do have more time to volunteer, there are several ways to get connected. Often time's churches will have volunteer options for their members. If you are unaffiliated with any religious group, you could get in contact with the city to find out about local opportunities. One of the best ways to find out about volunteer options is to use search engines online to find places. There are plenty of opportunities to make a difference in the world.

Salvatore Taddeo is working towards becoming a volunteer chef for the JBJ Soul Kitchen in New Jersey.

Soup Kitchens

There are many ways to give back to one's local community. One of these is by providing help to those in need. Whether it is food, clothing or jobs, there are several things that can aid members of the community at all levels. Soup Kitchens, which often times serve more than just soup, are non-profit restaurants which main goal is to be a place of service for those in need.

They often provide free meals daily for people trying to get back on their feet and also provide opportunities for the community members to volunteer and build relationships with those in need.

Salvatore Taddeo

There are many great reasons to volunteer at a soup kitchen. First of all many soup kitchens will offer free meals to the volunteers and will offer volunteer work to a person who is unable to make the sufficient donation to receive food.

On top of that, volunteering at a soup kitchen looks great on a resume. It can help you build your skills in areas like waitressing, bussing tables, cooking, and more. Even if a person is not looking to get a job in the food industry, it still is a great way to show that you care about the community.

However, the best thing about volunteering is the relationship you build. Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded people who care about the same issues. It also is a great way to build relationships with members of the community you might not otherwise have the opportunity to spend time with. Salvatore Taddeo is a businessman who cares deeply about the community and volunteers at his local JBJ Soul Kitchen.

Priority Payments Local - Comprehensive Payments Processing

Priority Payments Local is a local business operating in Red Bank, New Jersey. The company handles point of sale technologies for local businesses, helping them save their customers time and money in their stores. Priority Payments Local sells the best in point of sale technology to make transactions as fast and cheap as possible. Many businesses are forced to charge their customers a fee for using their bank card processor because they have to pay the credit card companies interest on their processed Payments. Priority Payments Local offers businesses solutions and comprehensive services that make the processing of credit card Payments more efficient and cheaper for the business and the customer.

One reason that Priority Payments Local is so popular in the local business scene is its comprehensive Payments processing products. Priority offers its clients cutting-edge software solutions that make their credit card transactions run smoothly. These point of sale systems make businesses able to accept all forms of Payments—credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, and checks. All of Priority’s products come with excellent technology help from Priority’s experienced and friendly staff. Priority provides all of its clients with the best Information Technology help in the industry so that all technical issues are sorted out before they cost their clients revenue.

Salvatore Taddeo is a local businessman who can attest to Priority’s services. In addition to running two successful businesses near the town of Red Bank, New Jersey, he also consults with Priority Payments Local. He says that he stands by their services one hundred percent.


Jon Bon Jovi Soul Kitchen

Rockstar Jon Bon Jovi has spent time and resources developing various charitable causes throughout the state of New Jersey, where he grew up. He owns an organization called the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, which, in addition to many other ventures in New Jersey, operates a community restaurant called JBJ Soul Kitchen. The JBJ Soul Kitchen trades hours of volunteering and donations for hot meals. Individuals can work in the kitchen in exchange for four meal vouchers. All are welcome at the JBJ Soul Kitchen, and people can also make donations of their choice for a hot meal as well.

Salvatore Taddeo

Everyone who chooses to trade work for meals will have the full support of the Soul Kitchen staff members who guide all newcomers to the kitchen through their duties. Volunteering at the Soul Kitchen can be considered job training and lead to very valuable skills that people can use to hold down a job. The Soul Kitchen was built on the idea that hot meals feed the soul and happy are the hands that feed. On both sides of the counter, the community is helping itself rise from whatever negative circumstances affect its members. People helping people is the vision that the kitchen was built upon. Both the customers and the volunteers benefit from this institution.

Salvatore Taddeo is a local businessman and philanthropist who loves to spend time in the community trying to make a difference. He frequents the JBJ Soul Kitchen to help out, and he says that he hopes to spend even more time there in the future.


Salvatore Taddeo: Property Manager

Salvatore Taddeo spent some eleven years as the Director of Facility Operations and Construction for Bradlees Department Stores, 
overseeing more than three hundred of the department store chain's outlets in the Northeast Region. The job called on his considerable 
analytical and problem-solving skills, and required him to multi-task on a daily basis.

Since 2000 he has been involved in consulting, construction management, and general contracting. He is also a licensed real estate agent 
who says he loves everything to do with real estate, including property and building management. As he knows from first-hand experience, 
the administration of residential and commercial properties involves a lot of attention to detail. Managing the property that is owned by someone else means preserving the value of the property, while at the same time making sure it continues to generate income.

As a property manager, Salvatore Taddeo is responsible for handling the financial operations of the property. He collects rent when it is due,
and sends out notices if it late. He prepares and maintains all financial statements related to the property and keeps the owner updated on 
its status, as well as on the rates of occupancy, the expiration dates of its leases, and on how much to charge for rent. He also collects fees 
for any homeowner or other associations, if applicable.
Salvatore Taddeo
Salvatore Taddeo provides the properties with supplies and equipment and hires contractors and vendors as needed.

Salvatore Taddeo - Real Estate Management

Salvatore Taddeo works in New Jersey real estate and merchant processing, and is the President & CEO of several corporations. He says that real estate management is one of the passions of his life.

Managing real estate means that Salvatore Taddeo is administering to property that is owned by someone else. The job requires him to use his interpersonal and analytic skills, including the ability to communicate clearly with the property's owners, and its staff and tenants. More than once, he finds that his knowledge of maintenance tools and equipment are helpful as he performs his job.

                                                                                     Salvatore Taddeo

In the real estate management role, Salvatore Taddeo acts on behalf of the owner, handling the financial operations of the property, collecting rent, sending out notices in case the rent is overdue, preparing and maintaining financial statements on the property, and keeping its owners updated about the property's occupancy, the start and end dates of its leases, and other issues.

He also acts in an advisory capacity for the property owner, advising on how much to charge for rent and monitoring the performance of contractors and vendors. Salvatore Taddeo is responsible for budgeting expenses, securing renters, and making sure that the property is complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

He is responsible for maintaining the property, too, which includes preventative maintenance, routine cleaning, snow removal, and construction. He hires contractors to make any necessary repairs, as well as purchasing all of the needed supplies and equipment for properties.